Olympic Gold Medalist

The world of sports I find fascinating to watch! Years of discipline, conditioning, travel, competitions, etc. all go into building a winning athlete & team. Their stories behind the World Championships, Team M.V.P.'s & Gold are even more so. Can an orphan from an abusive childhood, shuffled from foster home to home, even living on the streets, low self-esteem go on to be a winner in life? It starts with the stories about you have in your mind. You have to see it, speak it, mentor with & surround yourself & your environment to condition YOU for victory! What an eye opener to hear about life after the games from one of my friends 

 Olympic Gold Medalist Dana Hee. She is grateful to God for her victories. Dana may be a familiar face, not only from winning the "Gold" bunot only from winning the "Gold" but from television & movies like Mortal Combat, Charlie's Angels, Lethal Weapon & many more.  Dana Lynn Hee is an Olympic Gold Medalist and is currently a Hollywood film and television actress, as well as one of an award winning stuntwomen in the entertainment industry. . She has also doubled for Hollywood's top actresses': Nicole Kidman, Uma Thurman, Gwynneth Paltrow, Renee Russo, and Jennifer Garner.

She also a noted writer, lecturer and television color commentator, and has an extensive background as a speaker to Fortune 500 companies. It's an understatement to say that Dana's childhood was hard. The child of divorced, alcoholic parents, she endured abuse, abandonment, and despair. The years of being passed back and forth between an orphanage, suicidal family members, halfway houses, a commune, government shelter, and finally a foster home, took their tole. Dana grew up to be a young woman with little self-esteem or self-confidence, and a huge fear of failure. To her, nothing seemed possible. It was as if the two words, 'I can't' were programmed into her mind, and she struggled to escape a lifelong habit of running from her fears. Dana looked within herself for strength and determined to make a change. Armed with an ounce of courage, and a glimpse of hope, she set out to make a dream of hers come true. Through the agonizing, against-the-odds process of this struggle, she made the transformation from a shy, under-achieving, below-average young woman to an Olympic Gold Medalist with a new sense of self-esteem, and, finally, some hope for the future.

Her story of how this happened - and the lessons you can take from it - are enough to inspire the most discouraged soul. But Dana didn't stop there. She started accepting speaking engagements, then graduated to keynote speeches. She shifted from martial arts, to modeling, and then acting, before setting her sights on becoming a top Hollywood stuntwoman in the movie industry. If this sounds easy, it wasn't. To this day, Dana battles self-doubts whose roots extend back to her youth. But she never quits. She competes successfully in the world's most challenging industries.

Dana's autobiography, One Step with Courage: The Story of My Life From Olympic Gold Medalist to Hollywood Stuntwoman, was released in May 2020. Taekwondo Life Magazine featured her story and book release in March, 2021, as part of its International Women's Day Celebration ~ DanaHee.com

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