From Coca-Cola to McDonalds ~ Artist. Entrepreneur. Author. Servant Leader CEO of "The Why Not Win Institute" :These are just a few words that describe Larry D. Thornton, Sr. You could also call him a game changer, teacher and team player.  Even though there are many words to describe Larry’s prowess leadership, hearing his life story puts everything in perspective.

Growing Up in the Segregated South to go to Game Changer was not without adversity BOTH socially & because of race perceptions, However, his Mom & Many Mentors taught him interpersonal relationship skills that helped him see a bigger picture  on solving obstacles so he & his team could become winners in Business & Life.

Thornton’s artistry and work ethic got him attention at Coca-Cola, both for the good and the bad. He had to figure out a way to navigate this new world, where higher-ups praised him but co-workers reminded him of his “blackness” by drawing a noose in his workstation. 

He persevered by learning to appreciate and embrace diversity, people resources, and conflicting opinions. While his success grew at Coca-Cola, Thornton did the unthinkable: set out to be the first African American to own a McDonald’s franchise in Birmingham. This thorny journey was peppered with threats, attempts to thwart his mission and a marriage he could not keep from falling apart. He absorbed the “try, try and try again” motto, and came to see that failure was a prelude to feasting upon the sweet fruit of success. Thornton made up his mind that he would spend each day on a mission to show his unbending gratitude for his life and its benefits by fostering a supreme attitude and maintaining consistency in vision, purpose, and an unwavering commitment to principles. Thornton’s journey from Madison Park, Montgomery, has been a long one. “Why Not Win?” reflects on his most useful lessons and the anecdotes associated with them

 He teaches Success Principles of Leadership at his "The Why Not Win Institute" launched  with Dr. Zillah Fluker in November of 2018 and in the last several years has been delivered at more than 20 colleges, universities & corporations. Find out more at:~

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