Millionaire Networker,  2022 “The President’s Lifetime Achievement Award” Hall of Fame Award at the Most Influential 100 Recognition Ceremony Who’s Who  

 George C. Fraser -CEO of  the Power Networking Conference one of the foremost authorities on networking and building effective relationships & considered by many to be the new voice for African Americans . He appears on CNN and in Black Enterprise Magazine, Upscale and the Wall Street Journal. He is the author of "Success Runs in Our Race" and "CLICK- Ten Truths To Building Extraordinary Relationships". Personal growth "guru" Stephen Covey called Mr. Fraser a masterful teacher. TV host and journalist, Tony Brown called him a "visionary" with the rare combination of leadership and management skills. Mr. Fraser is featured in the New York Times-bestseller, Masters of Networking, along with four-star General Colin Powell.

 Born in Brooklyn, NY, he was an orphan and foster child for 15 years. Dr. Fraser has received numerous awards and citations including: Induction into the Minority Business Hall of Fame and Museum, 3 Honorary Doctorate Degrees, a Chaplaincy and an Ambassadorship. He is a *Certified Financial Education Instructor and has an Insurance license.

He has been named as one of the best speakers in America and 5 of his speeches have been selected for global distribution by the prestigious Vital Speeches of the Day magazine, a first for any professional speaker in America.

In 2016 President Barack Obama awarded Dr. Fraser “The President’s Lifetime Achievement Award”

Dr. Fraser work has focused on lifting up disenfranchised groups and people of color.  He is most proud of 2 charter schools he helped to found in Cleveland, Ohio 15 years ago which educate nearly 300 inner city children from black families of which 60% are boys. He resides in Cleveland Ohio and is married to Nora Jean Fraser for 46 years. He has 2 sons and 3 granddaughters.

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