Two-Time NY Times Bestselling Author From her own remarkable experiences, Janet created the profoundly impactful Passion Test process. This simple, yet effective process has transformed thousands of lives all over the world and is the basis of the NY Times bestseller she co-authored with Chris Attwood, The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose &Shine Your Light: Powerful Practices for an Extraordinary Life by Janet Bray Attwood and Marci Shimoff .

Janet is a living example of what it means to live a passionate, fully engaged life. A celebrated transformational leader, Janet has shared the stage with people like His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Sir Richard Branson, Nobel Prize winner, F.W. deKlerk, Stephen Covey, Jack Canfield, and many others.

 She is also known as one of the top marketers in America. In 2000, Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen paid for 40 of the top marketing experts in the country to come to Newport Beach, CA to consult with them on marketing their book, The One Minute Millionaire. Janet was one of the very first they invited. As a result of that meeting, Robert G. Allen and Mark Victor Hansen asked Janet to partner with them in their Enlightened Millionaire Program. Her personal stories of following her passions, of the transformations which people like Chicken Soup for the Soul author Jack Canfield have experienced with The Passion Test, and the practical, simple exercises she takes people through to discover their own passions are a few of the reasons she gets standing ovations wherever she presents. Janet has given hundreds of presentations and taken thousands of people through The Passion Test process, in the U.S., Canada, India, Nepal, and Europe. Janet is also the founder of The Passion Test for Business, The Passion Test for Coaches, The Passion Test for Kids and Teens, The Passion Test for Kids in lockdown, and The Reclaim Your Power program for the homeless. Janet is a golden connector. She has always had the gift of connecting with people, no matter what their status or position. From the influential and powerful, to the rich and famous, to lepers and AIDS patients, to the Saints of India, Nepal, the Philippines and elsewhere—to anyone who is seeking to live their destiny, Janet bonds with every single person, and the stories she shares are inspiring, mind-boggling, uplifting and very real. A co-founder of top online transformational magazine, Healthy Wealthy nWise, Janet has interviewed some of the most successful people in the world about the role of passion in living a fulfilling life. Her guests have included Stephen Covey, Denis Waitley, Robert Kiyosaki, Neale Donald Walsch, Paula Abdul, Director David Lynch, Richard Paul Evans, Barbara DeAngelis, marketing guru Jay Abraham, singer Willie Nelson, Byron Katie, Wayne Dyer, Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, Tony Robbins, Rhonda Byrne and many others. These live teleconference interviews have attracted listeners from all parts of the globe.

 Edited versions of these interviews are made available to over 150,000 subscribers. Her Passion Test process has impacted people worldwide, and The Passion Test phenomenon has resulted in requests from schools to build a passion curriculum, from teachers, trainers and speakers to use the process, and from organizations like NASA to incorporate it in their staff development programs. It was as a result of taking The Passion Test with Janet that Jack Canfield recognized his passion to be part of a spiritual leaders’ network and out of that came the Transformational Leadership Council.

 Janet and Chris are both founding members of that organization whose 100+ members serve over 10 million people in the self-development world. Janet Attwood makes magic happen. Her presentations hold audiences spellbound. Her programs attract people from all over the globe. Through her magnetic charisma she is touching the lives of millions of people around the world.'

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