Fast Company Magazine ~ , Best-Selling Author, Event and Film Producer and Creator of Impact

Selected by Fast Company as one of the 20 Most Influential People Online, Best-Selling Author Kenneth A. McArthur is the man behind the curtain—the Oz of Internet marketing. Ken’s powerful call to action, “The Impact Manifesto: You Make A Difference Whether You Want To Or Not” was selected for publication by Seth Godin’s brainchild “Change This” which places his manifesto in the company of manifestos written by Seth Godin, Hugh MacLeod, Guy Kawasaki, Chris Anderson, Jay Conrad Levinson, Tom Peters, Malcolm Gladwell and Robert Scoble.

Ken is regularly featured on leading television, radio and podcast shows around the globe and Ken and his clients have been featured in leading publications.
Ken has built his Internet marketing career on the philosophy that partnerships and collaboration build value for everyone. By creating websites and events that foster joint ventures and cooperative efforts, he has probably brought more people together for profit and growth than any other marketer on the scene today.

In the first day of its pre-launch, hit’s “Mover’s and Shakers,” a top-ten list of sites with the highest jump in web traffic for all sites on the Internet. member newsletters boast in excess of tens of million subscribers.

jvAlert Live! combines top speakers, hot seats, and unparalleled networking opportunities. jvAlert Live! has one of the highest repeat attendance rates of any marketing event.

His book is "Impact: How to Get Noticed, Motivate Millions and Make a Difference in a Noisy World". Some people spread a simple message that is so compelling that their voice is not solo for long. People rally around their message and spread it like wildfire.

Impact reveals the key strategies used by some of the most influential people in the world. These people create measurable and undeniable impact on millions of people. The stories of these people and ordinary people alike, illustrate vital strategies that enable you to create your own legacy.

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