The Medicine Hunter-FOX News ~ Chris is the FOX News Medicine Hunter and appears on FOX News Health online in the US and international television markets. He also writes a weekly column for FOX News Health.He is an author and educator, the founder of Medicine Hunter Inc.. Chris has conducted medicinal research in over 20 countries including India, China, Siberia, Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Vanuatu South Pacific, Lebanon, Syria, Ghana, Austria, Germany, Thailand, Malaysia, South Africa, Morocco and the United States.

Chris is Explorer in Residence at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst where he teaches the popular Ethnobotany course The Shaman’s Pharmacy through the Department of Plant & Soil Sciences. This intensive immersion course takes students to the Peruvian Amazon, where they learn about medicinal plants, the rainforest, and native culture.

Chris works with companies to develop and popularize traditional plant-based food and medicinal products into market successes. These include kava, maca, rhodiola, schisandra, horny goat weed, catuaba, tamanu oil, herbal beverages and dozens of other plants. He is currently working to build market demand for cat’s claw and dragon’s blood, both strong medicinal plants from the Amazon rainforest.

Chris has appeared as a guest expert on over several hundred radio and television programs including news programs on ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNBC, CNN, MSNBC, BBC, Oprah & Friends, FOX TV, and NPR. He has appeared as a guest on The Dr. Oz Show, and is a regular guest on FOX News Ask Dr. Manny. As a TV guest he has spoken about medicine hunting, traditional botanical medicines, nutraceuticals, environmental and cultural preservation and other related topics for a wide variety of audiences.

Since October 2007 Medicine Hunter Chris Kilham has been featured in The New York Times, CNN, FOX News, The Dr. Oz Show, NBC Nightly News, ABC 20/20, Psychology Today, International Herald Tribune, CNBC Power Lunch, HD Net World Report, Prevention Magazine, Natural Health Magazine, Oprah & Friends, PBS Healing Quest, Better TV, Good Morning America, Ode Magazine, and Woman’s World.

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