We are very excited to bring you part 1 of our conversation with Allyn & Greg Reid, authors, producers, entrepreneurs and chasers of freedom.

Not counting the slight derailment by Ben, we jump right into the definition of Utopia.  Allyn gives us a great view of of her Utopia and it is something we've never heard before.

Allyn & Greg really live an idea we've heard before on this show.  When Allyn & Greg decide to do something, they don't ask a friend, they find an expert in the area and ask them.  There is no reason to re-invent the wheel, find someone making a great wheel and learn from them.

Next, Allyn and Greg give us some great advice for being a couple devoted to eachother as well as business partners.  They get out of each other's way.  There is Allyn time, Greg time, and Allyn & Greg time.

Most people want to be "normal" and Allyn & Greg are happy by chucking that word out the window.

Follow Allyn & Greg Reid here:

The Secret Knock
Sherpa Press
Allyn Reid on Twitter
Greg Reid on Twitter

As always, a special thank you to The Strand for our intro and outro music!

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