Happy Friday Utopians!  Today is the last Friday of the month and that means a new recap show.  Josh and Ben talk about the last 4 interviews with Joel & Pei, Eden Sunshine, Philip Beyer, and Midori Verity as well as catching up with what is happening in their lives.

Ben & Josh start the show talking about a very recent incident with Ben at his job.  The company wants to pay his cell phone bill, great news right?  The truth is, nothing is free and paying the bill also means giving out his cell number.  What to do?

Next, our hosts spend some time talking about Josh's experiences with his new motorcycle.  He also admits to being an adrenalin junkie (which may explain some of his hobbies).  They also play with the idea of starting a new show!

Josh & Ben then talk about the conversation with Joel & Pei.  Those two were a blast to talk with and they were super accommodating given some technical difficulties that happened during the show.  As it turns out, our hosts cannot pick a top value bomb!  This may be the first time that has happened on Build Your Utopia.

Then Ben & Josh move to Eden Sunshine (yes, his real name).  Ben starts off with an apology, there was something on the audio that was very difficult to remove and it is obvious that Ben's pride was bruised because he couldn't fix it.  Our hosts decide that their favorite value bomb from Eden was "learn to do the right work."

Our hosts then have a mini intermission and talk about Josh's issues with bees!

Once they get that out of their system, Josh and Ben then speak about Philip Beyer and his fantastic accent!  Something about that southern accent makes a person super easy to listen to.   Our hosts couldn't agree on a favorite value bomb from Philip.  Josh picked "sales, sales, sales" while Ben picked "organize your business through systemization."  It actually shouldn't be that surprising based on what we know about our hosts personalities.

Finally, Josh & Ben revisit this week's interview with Midori Verity.  That was a great interview as well. Josh and Midori actually have something in common, something that Ben just doesn't understand. Our hosts were able to agree on this one and chose "look at the big picture, don't get caught up with the small things."

Here are the books and movies that came up during the show:

My Girl on Amazon and iTunes
Inception on Amazon and iTunes
Do Over by John Acuff on Amazon and iTunes
Ask by Ryan Levesque on Amazon and iTunes
Money Master the Game by Tony Robins on Amazon and iTunes

As always, a special thank you to The Strand for our intro and outro music!