The most frequently asked questions Dr. Tina Persson gets from her clients in academia are:

How do I address my weaknesses?
How do I untap opportunities the hidden job market?

Keep listening to find out Tina’s career story, how she discovered that her weaknesses in one industry turned out to be strengths in another, and her tips on how to strategically network your way into your next career opportunity.
Dr. Tina Persson works with PhD professionals from around the world to help them explore new opportunities, stand out and get hired the smart way.  After spending nearly two decades in academia herself, Tina changed careers into the staffing industry where she spent the next 8 years as a Recruiter and Talent Sourcer. The two experiences combined have paved the way for her to start her own business in career and leadership coaching, empowering other researchers like her to take the leap into a fulfilling career outside of academia.
Tina is also the founder of a biotech startup, her work has been featured in over 30 scientific publications, she is the inventor of 2 scientific patents, and she also hosts the PhD career stories podcast, and she recently released her own book called The PhD Career Coaching Guide.
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