In today’s episode, I recap the different ways guests on the podcast have created work online that got them noticed and created opportunities for them - whether it be career-related or got them in the door for other opportunities that add further credibility to their brand.

Learning out loud to build a personal brand & discover untapped opportunities 

Helen Blunden (Episode 46): Used Snapchat to improve video presentation skills, landing her a new career & opportunity to partner with Microsoft as a community reporter    
Hiroko Nishimura (Episode 89): Created her own exam study resource which paved a career into technical writing 

Podcasting to differentiate yourself as a speaker 

Jacinthe Galpin (Episode 53): Hosts a podcast dedicated to telling the story of risk through the lens of history. Her content strategy allows her to differentiate her speaking topics in Risk conferences. 

Blogging your way into writing a book

Keri Bloomfield (Episode 28): What started as a lifestyle blog has turned into a rich library of content that is now being turned into a book, due for release in 2021.

For those who are looking to leverage their LinkedIn profile as a starting point for their digital portfolio, check out episode 42 -  “Showcase your talent stack with a digital portfolio”. 

☆☆☆ Celebrate episode 100 with me by sharing your 1-2 minute audio clip on your favourite guest interview or reflection over the past 2 years. Details over at