This episode is sponsored by Bullet Train. If you’re building a SaaS in Ruby on Rails stop what you’re doing right now, and visit

You asked us:

"What's your tech stack for Transistor?"

In this episode, Jon goes into the nerd stuff. What programming language, frameworks, and infrastructure we're using to build our SaaS.

What we recommend:

Programming language: use what you know!Make sure you can connect to the community (both local and on the web)Hosting: use Heroku if you don’t have DevOps experience, AWS is great if you know how to configure itDatabase: MySQL is fine, we use Postgres (good community + features)Design framework: Semantic UI, or BootstrapRepos: GitHubMost important: Get something running as quickly as you can (and into the hands of customers!).

Show notes:

Sponsor: BulletTrain.coPaul Graham's "Do things that don't scale"Nate Kontny’s take on “should you use Rails?”Stripe AtlasDHH on Rails 5.2Justin’s video on on Twitter

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Thanks to our monthly supporters

Pascal from
Greg Park
Mitchell Davis from
Marcel Fahle,
Bill Condo (@mavrck)
Ward from
Evandro Sasse
Austin Loveless
Michael Sitver
Dan Buda
Colin Gray
Dave Giunta

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