A story

In 1999, Basecamp started a blog called Signal vs Noise, which they billed as “Strong opinions and shared thoughts on design, business, and tech.”

It had a huge impact on their business. By 2009, over 100,000 people were subscribed. Later, in their best-selling book Rework, they said:

“When you build an audience, you don’t have to buy people’s attention – they give it to you. This is a huge advantage. So build an audience. Speak, write a blog, tweet, make videos – whatever.”

Nowadays, it’s harder than ever to get people’s attention. Channels are saturated. There’s enormous competition. And many folks are growing feel overwhelmed by all the content.

So what’s Basecamp doing in 2018 to build their audience? They're focusing a lot of their energy on their new podcast, also called Rework.

What we learned

Businesses like Basecamp, eBay, and Code Pen have discovered the power of having a branded podcast. There are lots of challenges: creating and syndicating the feed, creating a compelling podcast website, producing a regular show, and calculating ROI.

So we want to make Transistor the best way to create a podcast for your business.

We already have our first paying customer: Cards Against Humanity. Their show, The Good News Podcast, which is hosted on Transistor.

"Branded content" sounds like a really dirty word. But it doesn't have to be.

Focusing on businesses, rather than DIY or hobbyist podcasts, has some advantages:

Businesses have more money to spend, and they value their time more.Many hobbyists are looking for the lowest price. Businesses don't mind paying more if there's value.Businesses are highly motivated to spend money when it helps them make progress.

What We Urge You to Do

When you're building a new product, ask yourself these questions:

Why would someone use my product over what's already out there in the market?What opportunities exist in this market?What advantages do I have?


Signal vs NoiseReworkNuzzelJon's book recommendation: Da Vinci BiographyJustin's book recommendation: SapiensAltered CarbonRework.fmWailin Wong on TwitterCodePen RadioGimlet Startup PodcastFast Company: Branded Podcasts are the Ads People Actually Want to Listen toThe Good News PodcastMastercard Launches a Branded Podcast with Gimlet CreativeAnchor.fmMacualey Caulkin: Bunny Ears PodcastThe Hyacinth DisasterTransistor.fmHow I Built This PodcastTransistor.fm on InstagramTransistor.fm on Twitter
Thanks to our monthly supporters

Pascal from sharpen.page
Greg Park
Mitchell Davis from RecruitKit.com.au
Marcel Fahle, wearebold.af
Bill Condo (@mavrck)
Ward from MemberSpace.com
Evandro Sasse
Austin Loveless
Michael Sitver
Dan Buda
Colin Gray
Dave Giunta

Want to start a podcast on Transistor? Justin has a special coupon for you: get 15% off your first year of hosting: transistor.fm/justin

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