Scott Smith, host of the "Real Estate Nerds Podcast", Dan Schawbel, author of "Back to Human", and Ken Coleman, host of the top-rated "Ken Coleman Show" share with your host Travis Chappell their thoughts on "who you know" and "what you know."

Episode Highlights: 

Scott Smith
Who you know IS what you know.
How networking with the right people can save time and money.
Overcoming our hard-wiring to connect in meaningful ways.
The simple key to making important business connections.

Dan Schawbel
Who you know, who they know, and who knows you.
How "rich" relationships are an arbiter of connections.
The "proper" introduction and questions to ask when connecting with others.
The 2 things that every successful person has in common.
The importance of having self-awareness and "going deep" with yourself.
Why it's so important to "shine the light" on others.

Ken Coleman
Who you know will get you in, but what you know and what you do, will keep you there.
The importance of people, places, and practices. 
The most important 6 seconds to make your resume stand out.
Why close connections make the difference in job connections.

3 Key Points:

Learn to focus on making connections with people without expectations.
Shine a light on others that are more successful, use that as a learning experience, and allow their message to help more people.
Who you know connects you to who you need to know for key connections.

Tweetable Quotes:

“After finding out if can connect with this person, we can find things that we can help each other with.” - Scott Smith
“You want more people to know of you than you know of people.” - Dan Schawbel
“Most jobs are gotten through an acquaintance, not a close personal connection.” - Ken Coleman

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