In Part 12 of the Who or What Series, on the only Business Networking Podcast on iTunes, Jay Papasan, co-author of The One Thing, Albert Preciado from The Mortgage Guys, and David Burkus author of Friend of a Friend explain to your host Travis Chappell whether they believe that who you know or what you know is more important and why.

Episode Highlights:

Jay Papasan
You want a short path to people who do things that are remarkable.
Know who you determine wealth for and who are your wealth determiners.
If you can’t afford to hire a bunch of mentors, use resources like YouTube to get their insight.
Albert Preciado
You can’t know anything but just know people, you have to put in the work.
Build yourself first so you have something to show when you meet a potential mentor.
Albert’s adversity growing up contributed in a large part to his success.
Albert focused on systems and people’s strengths and weaknesses to build teams.
David Burkus
“It’s not what you know it’s who you know” is actually really good news.
We need to redefine networking and understand the network that’s already around you.
If you have a Facebook account you’re only 2-3 degrees of separation from most people.
What a good follow-up system should look like.
We need to be intentional about all of our relationships, even the least ones in our network.

3 Key Points:

Information is always accessible and you can learn from people’s lives and journeys.
Overcoming adversity can be a big contributor to success.
We need to be intentional about all of our relationships, even the least ones.

Tweetable Quotes:

“If you just know a bunch of people and never take the next step you won’t get very far.” -Jay
“Adversity is where we learn life’s greatest lessons.” -Travis
“We’re better off getting as many possible introductions in the beginning and then narrow down.” -David

Resources Mentioned:

Visit Travis’ website at (
Learn more about mentorships and masterminds for FREE at (
Explode Your Network at (
Book Recommendation: (The One Thing) by Jay Papasan & Gary Keller
Book Recommendation: ( Friend of a Friend) by David Burkus
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