Directed by Tanya Wexler, "Buffaloed" follows Peg Dahl (Zoey Deutch), a teenager who as a young girl was obsessed with getting out of her blue collar existence. She has always bet on her sharp mind, and even sharper mouth, to get her into an Ivy League university. But when an acceptance letter arrives, she realizes the impossibility of paying tuition. One scalping scheme, stint in prison and chance phone conversation with a debt collector later changes everything. BUILD is a live interview series like no other—a chance for fans to sit inches away from some of today’s biggest names in entertainment, tech, fashion and business as they share the stories behind their projects and passions. Every conversation yields insights, inspiration and plenty of surprises as moderators and audience members ask questions. It all happens several times a day live and live-streamed on Follow us: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: #BUILDseries #Interview

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