I give an update about the bachelor party (many soda pops, no one got hurt, everyone came home safe).

Product update

Carl and I received a cease-and-desist email for Productify. We've re-named the product ProductPress.

Future Products


Advice for people building their first product:

Start small, and start now.Choose an idea that people want: something that will help you make your first dollar on the internet.Set your own goals: don’t compare yourself to others.

Your first step should be to create a landing page:

Headline: You are this kind of person, with this kind of problem.Subheadline: This product will solve this problem this way.Email waiting list sign-up form.

Show notes

A few photos from the bachelor party: Photo 1, Photo 2, Photo3Interview with Dan MartellLeave us a review on iTunesFollow Justin on Twitter: @mijustinJoin the newsletter

Podcast hosting provided by Transistor.fm.

Update from 2021: A lot has happened since I recorded these episodes: I launched a podcast hosting company, Transistor.fm, with my friend Jon Buda! If you want to hear what I'm up to now go to transistor.fm/justin

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