In this episode, Jen and Natalie chat with Riley Bender, an Entomology Research and Outreach Fellow (EROF) for Summer 2021! We chat about Riley's transition into a new career, doing field work, and some of her favorite and not-so favorite movies and books! You can follow Riley on Twitter at @RileyTheRad and on Tik Tok for her cool bug videos @RileyLikesBugs!

Riley's Podcast Recommendation: Hidden Brain by NPR
Riley's Book Recommendation: Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy

You can follow Bug Talk on Twitter and Instagram @bugtalkpodcast. Subscribe to our Youtube channel to see videos of the conversations with guests. Thanks to Jason Roedel, audio engineer, for improving sound quality, Matt Grieshop for the music, and Ellie Darling for designing the Bug Talk logo!