Previous Episode: Ep. 44: Yolanda Chen
Next Episode: Ep. 46: Jaree Johnson

Kayleigh, Natalie, Ariana, Zsofia welcomed Dr. Olivia Cope to the department, she is a new postdoc in the Wetzel Lab. Olivia will also be joining our podcast team as a co-host, so keep an eye out for new episodes with her. Olivia told us about her life growing up in Seattle, doing her undergrad at Berkley and getting a Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin with Rick Lindroth. She shared with us her passion for biking. Olivia moved to East Lansing in the fall of 2020 and she is eagerly looking forward to making new acquaintances in the department in person in the near future. Olivia is found on Twitter @ocopeo.

You can follow Bug Talk on Twitter and Instagram @bugtalkpodcast and find out more about the podcast on the entomology department website. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to see the conversations with guests.

*Thanks to Jason Roedel, audio engineer, for improving the sound quality, Matt Grieshop for the music and Ellie Darling for designing the Bug Talk logo!