There's a new Big Bad in town and she's stomping her stilettos through the concrete foundation. She's the Beast in Balenciaga, She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-Because-You-Can't-Afford-It... Glory's here. The Buffy Boys bear witness in S05E05 "No Place Like Home".

Key Buffy Bits from this episode include: 

Sibling Simulacra - the metaphor made manifest in Dawn as a constructed family member The theatrical versatility of the Magic Box (shop) Vibrant Shadows: Glory as hyper exposed reflective challenge to the myth of the Slayer "Out... for... a... walk. Bitch."

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Our theme song is an acoustic cover of the Title Theme to Buffy The Vampire Slayer by Alex Heflin (originally by Nerf Herder).


Yours in Slaying,

The Buffy Boys


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