Previous Episode: The Dharma of Networks

In this episode I'm joined by my old friend and colleague, Rohan Gunatillake. Rohan is the founder of Mindfulness Everywhere, a creative studio combining meditation, technology, & design. Mindfulness Everywhere is perhaps best known for it's popular meditation app buddhify, and for it's innovative-indie approach to developing digital mindfulness products. 

In this conversation we talk about the importance of making mindfulness accessible, about the discontinuous changes that have happened to mindfulness as it enters a capitalist-based system, two different ways to scale mindfulness, Rohan's Designing Mindfulness manifesto, buddhify's new social meditation feature Transmission, and "the missing middle" of mindfulness between the for- and non-profit sectors. 

Memorable Quotes:

“Meditation, mindfulness, Buddhism has always changed. It’s a history of innovation, from the Buddha’s awakening onward.” - Rohan Gunatillake

“Mindfulness & meditation has become a content business, as opposed to a wisdom business.” - Rohan Gunatillake

Episode Links:

🔗Mindfulness Everywhere 📱buddhify📖"Modern Mindfulness" by Rohan Gunatillake🔗The Blogisattva Awards 🔗Designing Mindfulness 📱Headspace 🔗Center for Humane Technology 📰Why Transmission Matters 🔗Become a Buddhify Member 📰The First Alexa Board Game is Both Fun and Terrifying 🔗Siempo: Use your phone, not the other way around📰Google and the Rise of ‘Digital Well-Being’ 📰The Second Generation of Mindfulness