Okay guys, we know you’re all getting overwhelmed with the March Madness brackets this year. So, your hosts are here to get your mind off of all of that with a bracket of our own!

After a long drawn debate, about performers, your hosts, Nicky Trendz and Manny Oso realized they need some outside input. And they talked about everything! Dancing, Singing, Writing, Acting …. What makes the real Triple Threat performer?

Lucky for us all, special guest and resident comedian Tocarra Elise (@tocarraelise) is here to help out. We do our best to keep the discussion clean and professional, but some things are said on this episode that can’t be apologized for. Some people can’t Sing. Some people can’t Dance. And yes, even the greatest performers in the world can’t,- - - well, let’s let you decide!

So here’s the skinny, Duckies. We set up a list of 16 Prime performers. In no particular order, we set them up for your judgement. Single elimination, rounds. 1 on 1. Some of these matchups are tough to decide. Some of them, you think would never need to be decided. Few are landslides… we don’t know, we can’t decide, this time we need your help! Tell us who is the real Triple Threat!

But anyways, you tell us!

- Which 2 candidates do you think will make the finals?
- Is JLo due her big win?
- Should Manny be worried about the Bee Hive?

Make sure to go and VOTE!

If you want to se more from Tocarra Elise you can find her here:

To keep up with the Ducks in charge follow:
FB & IG: @Bubblebathstories
Nicky Trendz IG: @nickyTRENDZ
Manny Oso IG: @gotnotime4diss
For official Merch head over to Bubblebathstories.co

☎️ Or call us at 347-878-1144 !!!📞
Tell us how you really feel!