Tim Chan has been one of the most involved members of the Between the Ears virtual experience. Tim is a long time friend, former co-worker and a BTE enthusiast who has truly done the work to live his Who when it's been the hardest and mattered the most. 

This is a powerful, raw, vulnerable and beautiful conversation about Tim's journey through loss and discovery. He shares how he uses the tools he’s learned in the BTE Practice 1 and 2, how different movement expressions like Pole fitness help him to find joy and gratitude even in the darkest of times, and how he helped me so much when I was at my lowest without even knowing it and just by being Who he is.

Tim is a remarkable human who always brings value to any discussion. When he speaks, we listen. We are grateful to share his light with everyone in this episode.

You can follow Tim on Instagram @timchansd.

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