This week on the Brute Strength Podcast, I interview my good friend Zach Rocheleau. Zach is what you would call a Macro Magician. Whether you’re new to flexible dieting, or looking for tips on creating more macro-friendly meals, this episode is layered with tons of information that will help you get your diet headed in the right direction. We discuss tips for dining out, improving your relationship with food, and how to stay motivated in any diet. Do yourself a favor and check out his instagram. Enjoy the show. 




05:10 - Athletic career

14:30 - Breaking into the nutrition business 

18:43 - Explaining the Law of Thermo Dynamics

20:07 - Breaking down Macros 

26:28 - What is flexible dieting?

35:50 - Understanding the effects of food on your body

42:00 - Where to start with Flexible Dieting 

54:40 - Tips for dining out 

1:00:20 - Staying motivated with your diet









Start With Why - Sinek 

Flexible Dieting 2.0 - Cagney 




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