A two-time best-selling author, purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and former California State Powerlifting Champion all walk into a room. The plot twist? They’re all the same person, and that person is Robb Wolf.


Robb Wolf has spent his career sharing his knowledge in nutrition and strength and conditioning with NASA, the Naval Special Warfare Command and now the Brute Podcast.


In this week’s episode, he’s sharing the experience behind why he recommends low-carb diets, how to optimize nutrition for performance and how to effectively lean out.




06:55 – PaleoFX

15:30 – Low-carb dieting

22:10 – Optimizing nutrition for performance

37:15 – Quality vs. quantity for getting lean

49:40 – Advice for dieters

59:15 – Principles of Jiu-Jitsu

1:14:00 – Health and sustainability










Wired To Eat – Robb Wolf

The Paleo Solution - Robb Wolf

Homo Deus – Yuval Harari

The Obstacle Is the Way –  Ryan Holiday




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