I’m back this week with my man Justin Su’a. Justin was a guest here on episode 42, where we talked about the body’s ability to achieve what the brain believes. I’m thrilled to be back with him today to talk about some of the mental aspects of training and performance that we’re both super passionate about. We dive into the why behind self-awareness, vulnerability, and mindfulness, and some questions you can ask yourself in order to improve your performance. We talk about why coaches need to ask the right questions and then get out of the way, how to teach your brain to step back so your body can do what it’s trained to do, and why your actions reveal how badly you really want to up your game. Justin drops atom bombs of knowledge all over the place on this episode, and I know you’re going to gain some serious insights from our conversation, too. Enjoy the show!


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Topics of discussion:

[:44] How Justin practices what he preaches.

[3:35] Looking into the Johari Window.

[5:02] Should athletes be vulnerable?

[9:15] Adapting a growth mindset proves you can change.

[11:13] Why athletes need to seek feedback.

[14:50] Learning how to fail and how to change.

[18:05] Conversation starters for shared discovery.

[26:40] How mindfulness brings self-discovery.

[33:44] Don’t take counsel from your emotions.

[35:57] Practicing positive self-talk starts with awareness.

[41:23] Four questions to ask yourself.

[46:20] How elite athletes are just like you.

[49:31] Performance improvement starts here.

[52:50] The mindset shift that will up your game.

[59:01] What’s changed in Justin’s mind over the last year.




“Episode 42: The Body Achieves What The Mind Believes with Justin Su’a”

The Johari Window

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, by Carol S. Dweck

Turning Pro: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life’s Work, by Stephen Pressfield



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