Chris Hinshaw (@hinshaw363), endurance coach for Brute, CrossFit Speciality Course Expert, and the coach to about a dozen CrossFit Games Athletes is back for the second time on our podcast. We further our discussions on topics ranging from aerobic capacity, what it actually is, how to improve it, coaching champions, and what great coaches are doing. Chris is hands down one of the most passionate and best coaches in the fitness community. He offers many pearls of wisdom on this show, whether you are just a CrossFit enthusiast or a competitor, there are many takeaways for how to improve your overall fitness. Enjoy the show!

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Topics of discussion:

[1:41]   What working with thousands of athletes has taught Chris

[5:38]   Building a foundation of knowledge and confidence

[9:10]   Ownership as a coach

[13:05] Creating a space for the non-specialist

[18:08] Redefining what is difficult to increase adaptation

[20:14] Why aerobic capacity is not just about running

[26:00] Programming and what it says about coaches

[27:10] What you didn’t realize about the 2016 shuttle sprint

[33:28] Maximizing adaptation the most efficient way possible

[37:05] Why volume is not the solution

[39:24] Thoughts on the 2017 Regionals and the Games

[46:33] Developing in the off-season

[49:27] Improving your rate of recovery

[52:32] Rapid Fire Questions


Aerobic Capacity

Chris Hinshaw at Brute

CrossFit Specialty Course: Aerobic Capacity


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