This week on the Brute Strength Podcast, I’m interviewing the coach behind 6 CrossFit Games championships, Ben Bergeron. Ben trains some of the world’s fittest athletes including Mat Fraser and Katrin Davidsdottir. As he puts it, the secret to building a better athlete, is to start by building better people. In this episode we get into how to build character, the difference between happiness and achievement, and how to implement his 5 “L” philosophy - Live, Love, Learn, Lead & Leave a Legacy. We’ll also be discussing a few chapters of his new book, “Chasing Excellence” and pulling out some of the main ingredients for mental toughness. Enjoy the show!




02:20 - “Chasing Excellence”

06:26 - Happiness & achievement

17:36 - Building character

23:20 - Mental toughness

27:00 - Developing core values

35:05 - Committing to the path of excellence









Chasing Excellence - Bergeron

Man Search For Meaning - Frankl

Tribe - Junger

Mindset - Dweck

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Covey




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