Hey everybody. Welcome back to Brutally Honest Reviews. Some of us have been looking forward to today's movie for months and others had absolutely no idea what it was. Let me tell you, Widows is a very heavily layered film. Director Steve McQueen, whom's other projects include Shame, Hunger & 12 Years A Slave, he is not afraid to push the boundaries of going where other filmmakers shy away from. This being his passion project, why not have a fully loaded cast consisting of Michelle Rodriguez, Liam Neeson, Viola Davis and many many more. Check out what we thought and remember to always keep it Brutally Honest!

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Cinematography, Recording, Editing & VFX: Hop Top Films (www.HopTopFilms.com)
Studio: Hop Top Films Studios | Find Out How To Host Your Podcast Today!([email protected])

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