Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We hope you are enjoying a beer and some turkey and watching some flicks this Thanksgiving with your family and friends. Orrrrrr, checking out another special installment of Brutally Honest Reviews! *wink* *wink* . All the battles, all the nazis. This week we are taking on the Germans! Last week was the Russians, that's old news. This week we are reviewing Overlord, which was a very strange film, but also very cliche. The trailer was lackluster, some disagree, but there was a lot more to offer than the initial trailer. Holy gore and pretty close to historically accurate in terms of weaponry & set design with the added addendum if a Nazi super soldier zombie plot. This doesn't really give anything away, the trailer makes this pretty apparent. See what we thought and let us know what you thought and remember to always keep it Brutally Honest!

Watch On Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mxz_GjWq…&feature=youtu.be
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Cinematography, Recording, Editing & VFX: Hop Top Films (www.HopTopFilms.com)
Studio: Hop Top Films Studios | Find Out How To Host Your Podcast Today!([email protected])

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