Hey everyone and welcome back to Brutally Honest Reviews, only on The Brutally Honest Network. This time we are sharing one of the best movies of 2018. I have not heard a ton of buzz for this movies outside the indie filmmaking world which is shocking. This expertly written and executed masterpiece features a pair of the best actors around these days, Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali. And paring them with dozens of fine actors and actresses. The authenticity this movie tried to portray hit it's mark in the most tasteful way. In our opinion, a lesson on how to write a movie, we hope you enjoy our review. Let us know what you think! And remember to always keep it Brutally Honest!

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Cinematography, Recording, Editing & VFX: Hop Top Films (www.HopTopFilms.com)
Studio: Hop Top Films Studios | Find Out How To Host Your Podcast Today!([email protected])

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