Volunteering is a powerful force that transcends boundaries, bringing people from all walks of life together for a common purpose. Whether it's fighting poverty, protecting the environment, or supporting vulnerable populations, volunteers selflessly dedicate their time, skills, and energy to uplift those in need. If you’ve been listening to our podcast, it should be no surprise that the Triangle is full of businesses and organizations committed to doing good. And if you’ve been listening to our podcast for a long time, you might remember our conversation with Activate Good- a local non-profit that helps recruit and connect individuals, groups, and companies with volunteer opportunities. In this episode, we’re checking with Jenn Von Egidy of Activate Good to hear about some of their exciting new projects like the Civic 50 Survey.

The Good Guide to Business focuses on featuring conversations with local businesses, organizations and leaders spearheading social and environmental change across our 48-county service area.

Production and Editing: Meredith Radford and Nick Hill