During this unique pandemic time, mental health and well-being are as critical as ever. Physicians in particular have been positioned to be super-human in their treatment and management of COVID-19, yet they too are experiencing the same personal effects this pandemic is having on our lives. More than ever, physicians need to be able to obtain the necessary mental health support for their own well-being. Guest Jenifer Haller-Hill, executive coach and licensed counselor, and Nicole Thorn, health care attorney, discuss the one common issue physicians cite as a barrier to obtaining mental health support—fear of licensure suspension or revocation.  


Join us in this timely podcast to learn more about this critical issue to healthcare professionals. 

Jenifer Haller-Hill
JH Coaching & Consulting, LLC. 
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Nicole M. Thorn
Brouse McDowell, LPA
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Schedule a time for us to connect here

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