Previous Episode: Episode 73: Overlord
Next Episode: Episode 75: The Iceman

Welcome back to a new episode of the Bros Talk Movies podcast. On today's show, we are talking all about the 1999 movie Being John Malkovich. What are your thoughts on this strange movie? Also, do you have any suggestions for other weird movies we should discuss on the podcast? Please let us know on Twitter or by sending us an email. Make to give us a rating/review and to subscribe to us on any podcast app you listen on.              



0:00 - Intro                                                                                                                       
1:42 - What we've been doing
31:36 - Main Topic: Being John Malkovich
1:46:20 - Recommended Movie/Movies
1:47:00 - Outro

If you'd like to suggest a movie or topic for us to discuss:

Email: [email protected]

New episodes on Fridays!

Thank you for listening!

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