Derek goes beyond the headlines to look under the hood of the labor market, jobs, and unemployment. Plus, he reviews the container shipping issues and port delays, semiconductors now delayed over 20 weeks. Finally, he discusses whether the government stimulus for a drop in demand might have miscalculated the recession. Instead, what if it’s a supply side issue where falling supply and rising prices is the regime? Both demand shock and supply shock are covered so you can talk to your friends about it.


Transitory or Non-Transitory case for inflation

Container shipping issues with inflation

The Fed interest rate tapers and rate decisions

Supply Side Shock

Demand Side Shock

Wage growth

Labor force participation rates

Government transfer payments (social programs) growth



Mentioned in this Episode:


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Derek Moore’s Book Broken Pie Chart


Inflation-Markets at All-time Highs, Interest Rates, Covid and the Markets, Afghanistan


Sticky CPI vs Flexible CPI


What are Repos and Reverse Repos