Previous Episode: Episode 27
Next Episode: Episode 28


I'm abusing the Broken Chair Scores channel to promote a new solo project that I was forced to begin since SOMEone decided to turn his life around and go back to university in a different city. This by no means has to be the end of the BCS but it means that particularly in the beginning of this new phase there might be some delays when it comes to new episodes. Meanwhile I took matters into my own hands and created a spinnoff project that is pretty similar to the BCS albeit with some important changes:

the new show presents a bunch of tracks with some commentary in between AND during the songs
it's video game music only
it's games from a particular genre only (city-builders, management simulations, (real-time) strategy games across all plattforms)
the style of the music as well as the commentary is very reduced as opposed to the overly enthusiastic and engaging conversations we tend to have at the BCS (think BCS episode 14 but even smoother))
the tracks play back to back and only once each
the commentary is in German (which is not really a big deal since it is not a lof of commentary anyways; I try to keep it at a minimum so that even non-German speakers can get the idea, like when I mention composers' names and such things)

So check it out and get your fix even when there is no new BCS material. The first episode features music from "Der Industriegigant" as well as "Anno 1602". I will only use this feed to promote the new show once to maybe bring over some of the "many" BCS listeners. The show is called "Aufbaumusic" (building music) and you can find its dedicated page here:

Here is episode 1 of this new show: