BROcast is back and we are audio/television ready! Joining me this week for the podcast are a few of my favorite people. I got the handsome bassist from the band Undergun, Chuck Haegele along with David Winton and Nick "Suck It" Cullen. Some topics discussed in the beginning of the podcast include getting drunk and hitting each other with foreign objects, pausing the podcast and going to check out a movie, Mandarin racism in a grocery store, Jeff Evenlast (producer of BROcast) being terrible at his job, and a few tears were shed. We then hop into 'Toph's Twitter Favorites', 'The Interrogation' and close out the show with another round of the game, 'Legit or Bullshit'. So please enjoy BROcast #16 ... Show Me Your Niggly Wiggly!


"Black Flowers" performed by Undegun


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