Micah interviews world-traveling science fiction writer Colin Wright. A kid hearing super-smart voices, a singularity cult leader, a futuristic hacktavism group — all this and more are explored in this episode.

In this episode, Micah interviews world-traveling science fiction writer Colin Wright. A kid hears voices, stops taking his meds, and suddenly finds them directing him into the middle of a vast web of power and intrigue. A hacktivism group works against a singularity cult leader to crypto-free the world. These are the kind of ideas explored in Colin's writings, and we dig into them here!

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Colin's books, including A Tale of More and the Real Powers series
Colin on Twitter
Crypto-Anarchy and the Crypto-Anarchist Manifesto
Alphas, TV series
Zoltan Istvan's Transhumanist Wager on Wikipedia and on Amazon

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