Have you ever put on an event, held an IG giveaway or even just been approached about a collaboration, and couldn't help but ask yourself, 'what's in this for me?' In this episode, we're thrilled to have our friend and guest Nora Happny of #JustAskNora, sharing her knowledge on the foundations for strong business collaborations and partnerships that end with both parties feeling great.

A Portsmouth, NH native and local influencer who helps lift up local businesses through curated social media video interviews and collaborations, Nora truly knows how to leverage the power of her network, so naturally, we couldn't wait to ask her all of our burning questions and unpack this doozy of a topic. A great follow-up to Ep. 4, which got you all set to start networking, this episode takes it one step farther!

Check out Nora on IG: @justasknora

Hosted/Produced by Rachel Sotak + Meagan Ferns

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