Welcome to our Spotify podcast, a space where we delve into the profound mysteries of faith and the divine workings of God in our lives. In this powerful episode of Season 4, Episode 19, "T.L.W.L.Y.S 'You Don’t Know what I’m Doing'," we explore the enigmatic ways God operates in our lives and how to trust His plan even when we don't understand it.

Often, we find ourselves questioning and struggling with the uncertainties of life, wondering what God's plan is for us. Jesus reminds us in John 13:7, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." Join us as we unpack the significance of trusting in God's mysterious ways and finding peace in His ultimate wisdom.

In each episode, we extend a warm welcome to seekers, believers, and those searching for answers to join us in exploring the deeper aspects of faith. Together, we reflect on the importance of trust and surrender, recognizing that God's plan is always for our good, even when it seems unclear.

Through enlightening storytelling, personal narratives, and practical takeaways, we discover how to embrace the unknown and trust in God's perfect timing. We discuss the challenges of letting go and allowing God to lead us, knowing that His ways are higher than ours.

Are you ready to trust in God's mysterious ways and find peace in His perfect plan? Follow our podcast on Spotify now and become part of our community dedicated to deepening our faith and understanding of God's workings.

Don't forget to follow our podcast on Spotify, so you never miss an inspiring episode. Join us in celebrating the journey of faith and the incredible peace that comes from trusting in the Lord who loves you.


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