Writer & Director Chris Bournea discusses his brilliant documentary, "Lady Wrestler: The Amazing, Untold Story of African-American Women in the Ring". Chris discusses how the documentary came to be, the amazing women he spoke to, and why he felt the story needed to be told.


On July 17th 2021 Martin Bushby & Benno streamed for 12 hours to raise money for the Children's Heart Surgery Fund in the UK (https://www.chsf.org.uk/).

They were joined by a number of guests from the world of wrestling and beyond. These guests included: Will Cooling, Jordan Goodman, Wai & James Ting, Nate Milton, Scrump, Andrew Thompson, Robert Pearson, John Pollock, Glitbiter, The Two Sarahs, Chris Bournea, JP Houlihan, Gareth Hodgson & John Lister.

A huge thank you to everyone that took part, listened and donated. The day managed to raise £1,400 for a great cause.

Martin Bushby on Twitter: @bushby01

Benno on Twitter: @BensonRichardE

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