On 23rd of February 1927 (164 years to the day since the Berbice Slave Uprising) a new revolutionary is born in Guyana, Jessica Huntley. In this episode I speak to her friend Maureen Roberts at the London Metropolitan Archives about her life and work in the UK. In Huntley Archives at the LMA include photographs, … Continue reading 08/52 Guyana – Jessica Huntley

On 23rd of February 1927 (164 years to the day since the Berbice Slave Uprising) a new revolutionary is born in Guyana, Jessica Huntley. In this episode I speak to her friend Maureen Roberts at the London Metropolitan Archives about her life and work in the UK.

In Huntley Archives at the LMA include photographs, records and personal letters documenting the London-Caribbean community, the Black Power movement of the 1970s and the Huntley family.

It also includes books from the Huntley’s publishing business Bogle L’ouverture. If you want to buy any of these books, some can still be found at New Beacon Books.

Maureen gave me two pamphlets from the collection, No Colour Bar was an exhibition of Black British art at the Guildhall and there is a really interesting short film on it here. The other two are for the Annual Huntley Conference, which is on this Saturday. You can book tickets for it here.

British Subjects is produced by Anna Rose Kerr.