I'm Aaron Henriques a British pilot & business person here to share my journey as I strive to become a professional pilot starting at the age of 33 years old! 

I’ll be sharing an honest account that I hope will be useful to the many people who can only dream of becoming a professional pilot and inviting on some guest speakers. There will be very little editing so be prepared for the odd slip-up or swear! If you’re easily offended… find another podcast.

In This Episode...

» How many out of the 15 ATPL students FAILED the Principles of flight progress test...

» RTFQ!!!

» Why ATPL students should not rely just on question banks.

» How a British Airways pilot cheered us all up! 

Want to know more?

You can follow me on Instagram @AaronHenray and see my latest videos and pictures. Visit my website www.aaronhenray.com to join my mailing list.

Do you have a story to share? Would you like to feature on this podcast? Why not get in touch and tell me why you'd like to come on! Email me [email protected].

DISCLAIMER: (Because I have to really...)

I'm only sharing my own personal experiences and beliefs which may not always be 100% accurate but I will try to make it as accurate as possible. You should seek advice from professional sources yourself and not try to sue me or anything if it doesn’t work out for you in the same way as it has for me or any guests on the podcast!