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This week on British Android Havoc, Breki teams up with birthday boy Teppo to talk about future technologies; including AI, 3D printing, trans-cranial stimulation, The Singularity, Aliens and all kinds of other things.

Show notes and links:

Fix windows 10. (fix10.isleaked.com).
Consider Phlebas (Culture). (amazon.com).
The Player of Games (Culture). (amazon.com).
Accelerando (Singularity). (amazon.com).
Transcranial direct-current stimulation. (en.wikipedia.org).
Thync (thync.com).
Microdosing: A New, Low-Key Way to Use Psychedelics | Alternet (alternet.org).
Modafinil. (en.wikipedia.org).
Altitude training. (en.wikipedia.org).
Intrinsic factor. (en.wikipedia.org).

Sponsored by:

Audible.com, the best place on the Internet for audiobooks. Listeners of British Android Havoc can get a free audiobook download and 30 day free trial! Over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.

This week on British Android Havoc, Breki teams up with birthday boy Teppo to talk about future technologies; including AI, 3D printing, trans-cranial stimulation, The Singularity, Aliens and all kinds of other things.

Show notes and links:

Fix windows 10. (fix10.isleaked.com).
Consider Phlebas (Culture). (amazon.com).
The Player of Games (Culture). (amazon.com).
Accelerando (Singularity). (amazon.com).
Transcranial direct-current stimulation. (en.wikipedia.org).
Thync (thync.com).
Microdosing: A New, Low-Key Way to Use Psychedelics | Alternet (alternet.org).
Modafinil. (en.wikipedia.org).
Altitude training. (en.wikipedia.org).
Intrinsic factor. (en.wikipedia.org).