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This week, Breki and Teppo sit down to talk about the various ins and outs when it comes to creativity, inspiration and motivation. What do those words even mean?

Show notes and links:

definr - Inspiration (definr.com).
definr - Creativity (definr.com).
definr - Motivation (definr.com).
The Specialist-Generalist Balance · An A List Apart Article (alistapart.com).
You Don’t Need Motivation or Inspiration | Breki Tomasson (brekitomasson.com).
Do Your One Thing | Breki Tomasson (brekitomasson.com).

Sponsored by:

Audible.com, the best place on the Internet for audiobooks. Listeners of British Android Havoc can get a free audiobook download and 30 day free trial! Over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.

This week, Breki and Teppo sit down to talk about the various ins and outs when it comes to creativity, inspiration and motivation. What do those words even mean?

Show notes and links:

definr – Inspiration (definr.com).
definr – Creativity (definr.com).
definr – Motivation (definr.com).
The Specialist-Generalist Balance · An A List Apart Article (alistapart.com).
You Don’t Need Motivation or Inspiration | Breki Tomasson (brekitomasson.com).
Do Your One Thing | Breki Tomasson (brekitomasson.com).