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Happy Christmas, everybody! Sit down and give us an hour of your time, as we recount the happiest and the saddest times of the year. Enjoy an hour of Breki stifling coughs and grabbing his ribs. Enjoy Teppo's laughter and mirth as we give you ... The British Android Havoc Christmas Extravaganza!

... Or just a regular show, really, we're not doing anything special.

Show notes and links:

Ambergris - Wikipedia
Care of Rib Injuries Health Patient.co.uk
Rib injuries usually heal themselves in a few weeks. Good painkillers are important so that you can breathe and cough comfortably while the injury heals....
Vagus nerve - Wikipedia
Marketplace Media Player Marketplace.org
Great North Road (book) - Wikipedia
Rogue Fitness Power Racks - Strength Equipment
Browse through every power rack in the Rogue catalog, from the budget priced Echo Series racks to our popular Infinity R-Series and 3x3" Monster and Monster Lites.

Sponsored by:

Audible.com, the best place on the Internet for audiobooks. Listeners of British Android Havoc can get a free audiobook download and 30 day free trial! Over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.

Happy Christmas, everybody! Sit down and give us an hour of your time, as we recount the happiest and the saddest times of the year. Enjoy an hour of Breki stifling coughs and grabbing his ribs. Enjoy Teppo’s laughter and mirth as we give you … The British Android Havoc Christmas Extravaganza!

… Or just a regular show, really, we’re not doing anything special.

Show notes and links:

Ambergris – Wikipedia
Care of Rib Injuries Health Patient.co.uk

Rib injuries usually heal themselves in a few weeks. Good painkillers are important so that you can breathe and cough comfortably while the injury heals….
Vagus nerve – Wikipedia
Marketplace Media Player Marketplace.org
Great North Road (book) – Wikipedia
Rogue Fitness Power Racks – Strength Equipment

Browse through every power rack in the Rogue catalog, from the budget priced Echo Series racks to our popular Infinity R-Series and 3×3″ Monster and Monster Lites.