Hattie Trounce is Account Director for creative and performance driven social media agency, Digital Business Lab, and she shares with Andrew Clark more on the world of ad agencies, marketing strategies for clients and how to enhance your brand. 

She also tells us about what works and what doesn't work for digital marketing and social media and who exactly are micro and macro influencers.


Welcome to another episode of the “Social Media Playbook”, a brand-new, bite-sized podcast series by our Marketing & Communications Committee. In this series we focus on the latest trends and features of current social media platforms, the do’s & don’ts and new developments to come, in conversation with some of the leading players in the industry.

Andrew Clark, Co-Chair of the committee and Partner at Creative Video Agency, AsiaWorks, chats with industry leaders within the social media landscape as they share their tips, tricks and advice for Marketing & Communications professionals.