When things go bad, it is often difficult to know you've reached the lowest point of the plummet. Sometimes you have to brace yourself for what comes next...

Lisa Williams

Lisa Williams was at the lowest point of her life - so she thought. She was in the hospital surrounded by family as they disconnected the defibrillator from her dad. The silence in the room quickly filled with sobs of tears. It was at that moment Lisa heard a voice yell out “Stop Crying he will hear you Lisa."

Shocked at first that her stepmom would call her out at this very personal moment. And why her; when the entire room was emotional?

She immediately went from sorrow to deep despair.

Guilt consumed her. She felt the hospital was incompetent during the twelve days her dad spent in the hospital. As a daughter and clinical administrator, Lisa wanted to help her dad but was told to do nothing. This was against everything she believed. Dad’s death and the guilt of not acting, sent Lisa into a deep depression.

Isolation. PTSD. Even a divorce. Everything was changing and not for the better.

Depression affects more than 16 million men and women (almost 6.7 percent of the adult population) and 3.1 million adolescents.

Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, loss of interest, anger, frustration, or other negative emotions like irritability can last for weeks or years and interfere with every aspect of life.

She found an apartment and moved out, taking only her clothes; no furniture, sleeping on the floor, eating very little. Going to work and helping others is what kept Lisa busy. After work, the anxiety and grieving were unbearable. Isolated. Despair. Guilt. Sorrow. Depression had consumed her.

It was early August when Lisa received a message from her sister with the news that she had received a special box containing something from her dad.

A week later, Lisa opened the box that would change everything.

The story continues on the Brink of Greatness Podcast...
The Next Leap Forward
A traumatic event, a troubled childhood, an unexpected setback, your health; the list can be quite extensive. Turning adversity in your life into a winning formula… is the mark of a winner!

Never lose OPTIMISM in the heat of the moment. The pivotal point of what you're going through will require an unbridled concentration and flow of positive energy. The percentage of a positive outcome diminishes greatly with every negative thought. The power and importance of a positive mindset should never be doubted.
You will never cross the finish line if PERSEVERANCE is not front and center in your actions. Even under great adversity, the survivor pushes forward. A battle worth winning is a battle worth fighting for. Expect distractions and dissension along the journey, but don’t let these obstacles discourage your final outcome.
The ENDURANCE factor can never be overstated. Ones ability to withstand setbacks and recover from fatigue or trauma will provide an incredible advantage over the trauma or crisis. Go into it knowing that you’ll give 110%. To endure is to outlast and outsmart the enemy of negative thinking and turn it into positive energy.

Optimism, Perseverance, and Endurance are the keys to not just surviving, but thriving!

Lisa’s purpose in life is to help others. "If I can help someone, I have reason to live." Her motto: I could be you and you could be me. Throughout the ordeal she would keep notes and write poems. She is working on publishing her first book of poems. Each chapter is based on the next step to overcoming the struggle...
Let The Moment Pass
Let the moment pass,
and allow the moment
to pass by you,
to pass through you,
to pass the moment
to you.
by Lisa Williams