Today Megan Goates is back to share her how special needs have changed Halloween for her family. Megan's oldest and youngest sons are typically developing, and her middle two sons are on the autism spectrum. Tune in to hear how her expectations for the holiday have changed. A few other parents share their experiences of special needs on Halloween as well! If you'd like to be on a future episode, please record your answer to the question of the month.

Even though Betty has only been in our family for two and half years, I'm already starting to understand that many of our traditions and expectations - especially around holidays - need some tweaking. Halloween is no exception. Many parents have shared the adjustments they've made for their kids with special needs on Halloween. I've collected their thoughts for one mini episode and post about how Halloween is different for special needs kids.


My 2 young daughters have anaphylactic food allergies. We still want them to have the same experiences as their cousins and friends so we still take them trick or treating. When we get home we separate the “safe” candy from the “unsafe” candy. When our 6 YO was younger we had a Switch Witch that would come in the night and leave her a small toy in exchange for the unsafe items. Also the last 2 years we have taken part of the Teal Pumpkin Project. Any house that has a teal pumpkin on their porch is a clear indicator to FA children that the home has safe treats or non-food items available.


Clara has a hard time with certain fabrics, plus the overwhelm and excitement can often stress her out. Last year she ended up wearing the same costume she had worn the previous year because she just couldn't make up her mind and it was causing too much anxiety.

Halloween got changed from the time Eddie was about 3yo and started walking. He would walk into peoples homes. Scream and not let them put candy he did not like in his pail. Also i had to learn to except his differences, i had to explain his needs at almost every house because i felt bad letting people think i had 2 awesome kids and a spoiled one. I also took that opportunity to educate people on Autism.

Halloween hasn't been an issue in our family. Now that my son is 6, he wants to wear face paint!!!! Go figure?

We have had to change how we approach Halloween. We wear normal clothes that can be used as a costume. Last year Max was a train conductor. Overalls and a white shirt. He has so many clothes issues. He also doesn't like anything touching his face. Then we can only be out for an hour tops. Max gets overwhelmed and nervous around new people and environments. We try to show him cartoons about Halloween and get Halloween books from the library. Preparation is key with a child with Autism.