My guest this week on the Bringing Her Hope Podcast is Kelsey Chapman. Kelsey is an author, community builder, online educator, and host of The Radiant Podcast. She wholeheartedly believes dreams are worth pursuing and is passionate about teaching women how to walk with purpose in their gifts and live from a place of identity and rest — all so that they can carry their dreams and vision for the long haul.

After a few years of fumbling her way through post-grad life and a brief stint overseas, Kelsey realized that her entrepreneurial itch wasn’t going away. She came home, got to work, and turned a part-time blog and side-hustle into a multi-six-figure business in just two years. From there, she realized her business savvy traits and desire to empower others could be translated into something bigger through teaching everything she’s learned with others. In just four years, she has mentored hundreds of clients and thousands of students through building their brand, growing their platform, and stewarding their influence.

Today, Kelsey plays the role of a personal cheerleader to an engaged audience of 100,000k followers, hosts The Radiant Podcast, and empowers and equips women through her Radiant Podcast, Dream To Done online mentorship program, and most recently, her book What They Taught Me: Recognizing The Mentors Who Will Take You From Dream To Done.

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