My guest this week is Marra Watson. Marra grew up with the label of ADD. She has always had and continues to have a lot of energy. She enjoys shoving as much as she can into the time that she has and all sorts of challenges. She keeps her husband and two homeschooled teen boys on their toes. Marra is always taking in people and animals. Her own family is amazing and lets her harbor those in need. Marra used to be passionately rootless and would pick up and move every 2 years until she met Jesus and has been rooted in Eugene ever since. Her husband and she are personal trainers and own Crux Rock Gym. 

Marra  admits that there are many places God has redeemed from ADD, alcoholism, homelessness, self-rejection, but all of it stemmed from comparison, from not knowing who God is  and who He says she is and what she was made for

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